Wealthy Affiliate Review

Identification File

PRODUCT NAME: Wealthy Affiliate
OWNERS: Kyle & Carson
WEBSITE URL: www.WealthyAffiliate.com
PRICE AS PREMIUM MEMBER: $47 per month / $349 per year

Overview and Evaluation

  • 9/10
    Community (10 = the best, 0 = the worst) - 9/10
  • 9/10
    Cost / Benefit Ratio (10 = the best, 0 = the worst) - 9/10
  • 10/10
    Hosting (10 = the best, 0 = the worst) - 10/10
  • 9/10
    Support (10 = the best, 0 = the worst) - 9/10
  • 10/10
    Training (10 = the best, 0 = the worst) - 10/10
  • 10/10
    Tools (10 = the best, 0 = the worst) - 10/10
  • 10/10
    Website Builder (10 = the best, 0 = the worst) - 10/10

What is Wealthy Affiliate about?

Online Business

Online Marketing

The whole idea of the site is to provide you with the knowledge and skills to create and run your own online business. No matter the particular topic that you are interested in working on as long as it is something profitable.

If you have an idea about any field of human activity (science, arts, sports, entertainment, travel, fashion, beauty, health, etc.) and you can promote that idea to other people so that it generates an income, then you can build a business.

The way you could develop this business in the offline world is a bit different than the way you can do it online, and Wealthy Affiliate is a site that has the experience to train you and give you support to reach that goal of creating and growing your internet business.

Target Audience


Wealthy Affiliate is created and designed for anyone interested in generating income online.

  • It is addressed to all segments of the population.
  • Does not focus on a certain level of knowledge or studies.
  • No specific informatics skills are required, except having a computer or electronic device with an internet connection, a word processor and of course being able to read and write (unless someone reads and writes for you).
  • No prior knowledge of advertising or marketing is required.

The only thing a person needs to start in Wealthy Affiliate is:

  • The desire or need to generate income (which may be complementary or unique).
  • The motivation to acquire the necessary knowledge to build an online business from the level where you are right now. This level might be zero (even if you may have had some previous successful experience with an offline enterprise).
  • The discipline and patience to adhere to hard work on your own business even though the results may not be immediate. Think of an average period of 3-4 months to get the first results and an average of 1 year to see your business running consistently, i.e., with a regular passive income.

Main Goal

As a member of Wealthy Affiliate and as a user of all the resources of the platform, the primary goals are:

  • Create a website that can quickly position itself on Google, Bing or Yahoo within weeks or even days.
  • Drive gradually and steadily, targeted traffic to your site.
  • Generate in a year as an average, a stable passive income flow as a result of your continuous efforts.


It is true that everyone has their definition of success and based on it sets the goals he/she wants to achieve.

Wealthy Affiliate cannot determine a guaranteed precise income, nor the level of development of business in a given period.

Nevertheless, it is expected that a member of the WA community who used the resources of the platform and has worked hard and with discipline achieve a passive income that is attractive enough to:

  • Keep dedicating time (at least partially) and energy to your business to supplement your current income substantially.
  • Devote yourself full time (if you wish) to your online business and turn it into your new career.

How does Wealthy Affiliate Works?


The Wealthy Affiliate plan assumes an interactive online environment where you can achieve synchronously and asynchronously (i.e., in real time or when you have availability of time), several purposes:

  • Learn and Update your Knowledge
  • Train to Improve your Skills in Building Your Online Business
  • Solve doubts
  • Build, Manage and Develop your Website(s)
  • Share your technical knowledge or your personal experiences with the WA community

The 2019 Wealthy Affiliate Dashboard or Hub looks like this:

Wealthy Affiliate Hub
Courses and other training resoures, technical support, tools, stats, interaction with the community, etc., in one place

The various components of this dashboard could be gathered into three broad categories:

A.   Training
B.    Tools
C.    Interactivity and socialization



The training provided by WA is no doubt the core of the whole concept of this system.

Build a website, putting ads, getting an affiliate link, posting content, etc., are tasks that anyone with access to Internet can get in a short time without ever building a robust and profitable long-term business.

On the other hand, creating a lucrative business worth to replace a traditional 9 to 5 job requires systematization of the most critical points: information, the gradual development of skills, intelligent use of specific resources, work planning, constant monitoring of the website, and evaluation of the own activity.

Sounds pretty complex uh! Well, the training is about making simple what seems complicated by following a step by step program to avoid that all the vast available information seems overwhelming!

Whether you opt for online business niche and you must follow the Affiliate BootCamp Training, or you want to grow your business in any other niche, for which you must follow the Online Certification Entrepreneur, the plan is practically the same and has the following characteristics:

  • Virtual: We talk about developing an online business, so we learn, grow and work online. There are no face-to-face meetings, no printed documents. Besides, WA members come from all over the world; how could it be done otherwise? Now take a look at the fact that the same as this “Virtual University,” this is the potential market that you will address with your business: virtual and global.
  • Personal: Although there is an intense interaction with hundreds of WA members, whom information you share with, learning is exclusively individual. As good or not as this may be for someone, it’s just you and your computer, connecting to the world and in this case with WA to gain knowledge and develop skills.
  • Asynchronous: This feature means that you work in a time that seems most convenient because the information is there to work with it at your pace. Now while this feature is a significant advantage regarding adapting WA to your personal life, it also entails a veiled disadvantage. Having no bosses, teachers, or schedules, you become your boss, one that can be disciplined enough to fulfill the objectives that lie ahead or on the contrary a boss who, knowing himself to be master of his time, is so indulgent with himself that he postpones all things.
  • Methodical: The Online Certification Entrepreneur and Affiliate Bootcamp are five and seven levels courses respectively. Each Premium member has unrestricted access to both (as with all other resources available in WA). Each level consists of 10 lessons each, and an individual lesson usually includes a video of 10 to 30 minutes length that explains in detail the subject of that lesson. This video is complemented by an explanatory text of different extension that reaffirms the information and adds various resources. At the end of each lesson there is always a small but very relevant list of tasks to be done to strengthen the acquired competence but also to make the changes “real and valid” in your website whereby what is learned applies immediately.

How long does it take to learn each lesson? And how many lessons can be learned in a row? Well, these are difficult questions to answer because they depend on several factors among others, where you are in the learning curve and of course how much time of your day can invest in your training

  • Time: the time you can devote to completing each lesson, which implies watching the whole video, reading the additional text and, where appropriate, the sources cited, as well as carrying out the required tasks.
  • Complexity: Although the activities required do not imply an extraordinary mental effort, perhaps the work involved as writing, commenting, or only following the steps of a configuration sequence within your website, for many may be an obstacle that induces them to procrastinate.
  • Interest and Desire: In any case, the most important factor in completing any task is the interest and desire to achieve a goal, as that motivation will drive to do tasks that seem more difficult.

When you finish the tasks of a lesson, you automatically can go to the next lesson, so taking into account:

  • the factors of time, complexity and desire
  • carrying out at least one daily lesson and
  • working some hours from Monday to Friday

You can complete the whole Online Entrepreneur Certification in two and a half months and about three and a half months approximately for the Affiliate Bootcamp. Do your math!

However, while it is true that at a slow pace it will take longer to reach our goal, it is not about a speed race since many of the lessons of the most advanced courses can be applied to online businesses that are already working, are profitable and consolidated. The most important thing when starting a business is to be constant and discover your pace in the medium and long term.

WA Training button

The green “Training” button to the left of your dashboard takes you to various resources such as Online Entrepreneur Certification, Affiliate Bootcamp, other learning sources gathered as Training HQ comprising tutorials, videos, and past webinars and Classrooms.

Online Entrepreneur Certification

Online Entrepreneur Certification is a course of five ten-lessons levels that educate an online entrepreneur from the most fundamental concepts in the construction of a site and attracting traffic to it, to more complex levels of social media management and content creation. Each lesson includes detailed information, an informative video conducted directly by Kyle, one of the owners of WA, and specific tasks to perform to go step by step to the next and more advanced lesson.

WA Online Entrepreneur Certification

Affiliate Program

The Online Entrepreneur Certification is focused on educating an entrepreneur to create and develop her/his own business in a niche of her/his personal choice and preference. The choice of a niche following your passion is a desirable goal; however, in the beginning, such an option could be unclear. In such cases, or also for those who want as an initial plan to promote an already well-consolidated and profitable product, Wealthy Affiliate has its affiliate program.

WA offers the possibility of generating a business where the platform itself is the promoted product, in exchange for a very generous profit. WA puts the niche and product … but also puts training to it: The Affiliate Bootcamp.

WA then win if you win. It’s a win-win process.

The phases of this process consist of:

WA Affiliate Bootcamp

1. Training: Through the Affiliate Bootcamp that is an analog of the Online Entrepreneur Certification but focused on the niche of promoting Wealthy Affiliate through a series of ten-lessons seven phases of progressive theoretical-practical complexity course.

WA Referral Program Revenues

2. Income: Income: The WA Affiliate Program pays you monthly, variable earnings depending on whether your referrals join to WA program through a monthly or yearly Premium subscription.

WA Referral Program Stats

3. Follow-up: A detailed monitoring at the platform of the behavior and results that the campaign on your website and associated resources bring from WA promotion.

WA Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference

4. Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference: As a special and unique bonus but very relevant in the case that an entrepreneur is interested in it and get in a year that 300 of their referrals subscribe to Wealthy Affiliate through a Premium membership. The owners of the platform Kyle and Carson offer an Invitation for two people fully paid in first class to the Super Affiliate Conference in Las Vegas. This reward is something completely optional, but worth taking into account.

Training HQ

This activity center includes three kinds of resources that are not part of the formal training, but which nevertheless are necessary to deepen and perfect a great diversity of aspects of the online task: tutorials, video classes, and webinars.

  • Tutorials: The tutorials are short lessons or courses, in written format on very specific topics (for example: how to use a plugin, how to add a widget to our site, how to use a particular email program, etc.) created by members from the community with experience in the subject that they exhibit.
  • Video Classes: Video lessons are similar to tutorials on specific topics made by members of the community, but as the name says in video format.
  • Webinars: Webinars are from my point of view the second most important asset after the formal training courses. They are created and conducted weekly by Jay Neill, a member of the WA community with 12 years of membership and founder of several successful businesses. Jay serves as Live Training Coach and presents current and exciting topics such as the functioning of Google Analytics, the creation of videos on YouTube as a complement to your website, the use of autoresponders, the domain of email marketing just to mention a few a lot of more useful and interesting examples.
WA Training HQ


The classrooms are virtual spaces where various learning and training resources abovementioned: videos, courses, tutorials, and webinars are organized by topics such as Authoring & Writing Content, Everything WordPress or Search Engine Optimization, to name a few.


If the information, the concepts, the knowledge contained in the TRAINING is the substance, how do you use it to build a business?

How do you put it on its feet and give it sustenance for its long-term successful survival?

As mentioned in LAYOUT, Wealthy Affiliate has multiple resources that will help you in various ways in your task of building an online business What are these resources?

A Website

A website is not the same as an online business

Website ≠ Online Business

There are various online business models that work with web minisites, multiple websites or no website at all at least for a while.

However, the core of a successful long-term business is to have a website because is the foundation of your brand and creates authority for your as time goes by.

Much of Wealthy Affiliate’s philosophy goes around the idea of building a website that generates respect and credibility for you on the network over time, which becomes recognizable to your visitors as a reference point to which they can come back recurrently and consolidate their loyalty.

Wealthy Affiliate offers the space and tools where you can create, host and manage your site, buy a domain, write content, exchange comments and feedback and get technical support through the followings tools:

Wealthy Affiliate Sites

Site Builder: Build your site in few seconds from scratch out of the thousands of WordPress themes. This empty website will be hosted at no extra cost for the years to come while you populate it with valuable content and it gets indexed better and better in search engines. Regular members can build up to two free WordPress sites and Premium members up to 50 websites at no extra cost for the building, hosting or management as it is covered by the subscription fee.

Site Domains: Once you build your website will get a transitional domain name, however, it is suggested that you get a domain name preferably with .com extension for a professional appearance. Wealthy Affiliate also offers you the option to choose such domain cheaper than any other company with the abovementioned advantage of hosting and technical support already included.

Site Manager: Manage the site as well as monitor its behavior on the internet (Google ranking, number of comments and interaction with visitors, amount, and frequency of publications, etc.)

Site Content: This is a handy platform especially if you are beginning to establish a discipline on writing content. It has several features that will help you monitor the number of words you write per article (which is an essential part of SEO), the frequency of articles in a given period, grammar and spelling correction, etc. And the best of all is that when you finish, you can directly transfer that writing to your site in WordPress!

Site Feedback: Offer and receive feedback about the different elements of your site like content, design, imagery, etc., from other members of the community (some of them experts) to improve both the appearance and performance of your site and help to improve sites of other people.

Site Comment: Offer and receive real comments that are published directly on your site and helps it to improve in its rankings.

Site Support: Get help from the WA professional team when things do not work as they should.

Research: JAAXY

There are multiple examples of free and paid software to find the best keywords for our content: Jaaxy, Google Keyword Planner, Wordstream, Ubersuggest, Wordtracker and much more.

However, Wealthy Affiliate provides its members with its keyword tool which is no doubt the most powerful of its kind in the market, and yes, also without additional cost!

Jaaxy is more than just a keyword tool. It obviously serves to find relevant keywords and its related features such as search volume, competition and more.

However, Jaaxy also allow you do other kind of searches such as the ranking of your website within SERPS based on a specific keyword, look for trends within the market, uncover hidden gems as keywords or even niches with low competition, associate your relevant keywords with the most profitable affilate programs as many more features you can’t find in other place.

As Starter Member you’ll get a 30 searches limited Jaaxy Starter free suscription, enough to test the power of this tool.

As Premium Member you’ll get unlimited searches with a Jaaxy Lite suscription at no extra cost with a lot of additional and advanced options ready to use to have your business running for a while.

Once your business grows, and you need more robust functions two optional upgrades: Pro and Enterprise are available by a paid subscription added to your Wealthy Affiliate fee.

To start your business and have it fully operational at least during the first year, the Lite option included with your Wealthy Affiliate Premium subscription is more than enough.

Question box

A box identical to the one we use on Google, for instance, to search for anything, retrieves what you need among a lot of resources related to the keywords we feed it, from the whole content of Wealthy Affiliate data in real time

Help Center

Help Center

At Wealthy Affiliates, we can get help from various channels. No matter how complex the question, there will always be someone who has sufficient information or the reference to answer it.

Generally, when this question refers to some data directly related to the elements of online business and its operation, the best way to get an answer is to request it directly from the community through the question box that we mentioned, the live chat or through personal messages to specific members.

When it comes to technical issues specifically related to the operation of the website hosted by Wealthy Affiliates, the purchase of domains, subscription payments, etc., you can generate a ticket to the technical team of the platform.

In both cases, the answers are mostly quick – from a few minutes to a few hours – and enough to solve the problem.

Interactivity And Socialization Resources

Many times the only determinant of success or failure of an offline company is the association with other people, and online businesses are no exception. Such interaction as well as being necessary to accelerate the resolution of problems also serves to create an environment of continous learning, feedback, stimulation and motivation.

Among interactivity and socialization resources within Wealthy Affiliate we have the following:


An option that allows community members to identify new members and write them a welcome message as excellent hosts.


Blog Posting / Creation Area

Blog Posting & Creation Area

As a member of Wealthy Affiliates, you have the option to write your blog if you wish. You have the freedom – under specific rules – to write on a diverse spectrum of topics: the diary of your activities with your website, opinions about what happens in the field of online business on and off the platform, tutorials for the community to solve a particular problem, etc.

Each of the publications that you make in your account is published for the community and appear in a rolling list where each member can consult them first hand and where appropriate, comment and feedback them.

Also, every piece of content that you publish on the platform for the community is susceptible as any other content on the internet to be indexed by search engines which allows you to expose not only to other members but to the whole internet audience increasing the opportunities of visitors to your website and referrals within the affiliate program.


A partnership is one of the most essential principles for success in various areas of human activity and business is no exception. Similar to a social network, Wealthy Affiliates allows the formation of a network of contacts with the peculiarity that these connections encourages teaching-learning interactions, motivation, tips, personal experiences related to online business, etc.



The activity that you develop within the community, primarily providing support to others, is reflected in a performance system that gives a position within the community as an honor.

What do you need to start?


Previous Knowledge? Any

Said in this way sounds ridiculous because we are accustomed to always present a previous curriculum that endorses our skills and knowledge and because to develop a profitable business we assume that we must have solid technical bases that guarantee the success of the company.

However, there are important reasons that explain why no previous knowledge is necessary:

  • A new field: it is very likely that this is your first commercial approach by the internet, so it will be necessary to learn from scratch (and even unlearn many things that you know of the offline world) many concepts, techniques and new and unique skills for this field.
  • What matters is the content: At the end of the day what matters is the quality of the information that you provide to your audience, the technical part is a method that can be carried out through a handbook and eventually hiring someone to do it if were necessary.
  • Persistence is also required: Another element that goes hand in hand with quality in content is persistence to keep it updated, frequent and long term. For this you don’t need previous knowledge either, the only thing you need is the correct attitude, but this is part of another discussion.
  • Basic computer skills: At the beginning of the section we said that no previous knowledge is needed. Well this is not quite accurate, you do need some knowledge: about how to turn on a computer, know how to browse the internet and read and write. That’s it!
  • Everything else you need is in Wealthy Affiliate platform: in the end, if you start the learning curve from scratch, the WA platform will provide you with the necessary knowledge as well as the methods, techniques, tips and of course the community environment that works in the same field as you do.

What is the Evidence that Wealthy Affiliate Works?

Any guarantee of 100% of success? Well, let’s see. No school, even the most prestigious ones in the world can offer that because it’s something that depends more on your interest, work, and commitment.

No school can guarantee a student to be successful after graduation but they can provide the best available resources together in one place and at least a proven method supported by successful graduated people, to start and grow your career with the best expectations.

That’s the kind of guarantee that Wealthy Affiliate can provide! The evidence of people who have followed the training either Online Entrepreneur Certification or Affiliate Bootcamp or both, who have worked hard consistently even when they couldn’t see the results quick and who now can show consolidated online business through their websites around the globe.

But do not take my word for granted, think of this first:

  • A growing number of people around the world daily searching and buying on the internet
  • The massive (and almost obsessive) use of mobile devices and marketing through them
  • The magnitude of affiliate programs from companies as powerful as Amazon, Booking or eBay to name a few.
  • In Wealthy Affiliates, in particular, the number of people who have been members for several years paying their annual membership. Why would someone still pay for something if it doesn’t work?
  • You can check in the profiles (hundreds of them) and the stories of real people, with a different background, nationality, goals, etc. who have tried the online business for various purposes. Most importantly, several of them have created a business that is now profitable. Check out their websites, make sure they are real sites, corroborate that not only refer to the niche of making money but a large number of other topics.
  • See the WA members’ products in the real world online.
Some examples of succesful sites owned by Wealthy Affiliate Premium Members

Is It Worth the Cost/Benefit Ratio?

WA Cost Benefit

Wealthy Affiliate is an exceptional site in the sense that as a member you will hardly require the use (and purchase) of additional software; unless you do it by personal choice or that the type, size, and operation of your business will push you to do so.

The first expected expenses when starting an online business, following the Wealthy Affiliate program or any other plan would be:

  • Buying a domain
  • The hosting of your website
  • Buying a keyword Software

However all this is included within the many resources to which you are entitled with the payment of your subscription.

But most important, each one of the elements of Wealthy Affiliate separately has a value that would equal or exceed the cost of subscribing to this platform:

Let’s take some examples:

  • An online course: variable amount, often hidden (i.e., $99 Any course-Growth Institute, £2575 Digital Marketing-IDM)
  • A domain: depending on availability of .com domains, any price from 5 dollars up to 250 or more
  • Hosting: At GoDaddy, for instance, WordPress Hosting starting at $3.99 up to $13.99 monthly
  • Keyword Software (from/to): MOZ Pro $99/$599 mo; ahrefs $99/$999 mo; Raven Tools $99/$249 mo; KeywordSpy $89/$139 mo… and so on!

Therefore the primary benefit of subscribing to Wealthy Affiliate starts by saving a significant amount of money through paying only a fraction of the total value of all resources together.

A second and probably most important benefit is the extensive training program, the various sources of information, the support of a community focused on solving problems in record time, etc.

An additional benefit is the optional but highly profitable affiliate program that offers a niche and a product to promote immediately. The first profits would return the investment made in the payment of the membership in a short period, not counting the increasing benefits afterward and the plus of a possible trip to Las Vegas fully sponsored by WA, for the most successful affiliates.

What I Do Like About Wealthy Affiliate

If I had to choose a single feature of the whole Wealthy Affiliate program, I would undoubtedly want the information contained in the courses for three reasons:

1. It is vast

The courses provide a broad range of concepts, techniques, methods covering practically all fields of internet marketing.

2. It is progressive

Regardless of the level of development where I am, I know that I can advance to the next step without getting lost in a sea of overwhelming unnecessary or redundant information. Just the right thing when I need it

3. Theoretical-practical

Similarly to the trend in world education, teaching in Wealthy Affiliate is by competencies, i.e., you learn to do it in a real environment, and you can not move forward until you have not achieved the previous goal.

But there are certainly many other traits that I like about Wealthy Affiliate. I am not someone who has a computer training, I don’t have the skill and knowledge for programming, nor is it something I want to do, that is why I am looking for methods that do the techie job for me. That’s exactly what Site Builder does for instance: allow me to create a web page without major complications except filling it with content.

I like the monitoring system that tells me the health status of my site because even though I know that I must post frequently, sometimes I can take my effort on other tasks that make me neglect the update of my blog.

Additionally, I like that I do not have to pay an additional price for the cost of the hosting.

I also enjoy weekly webinars because there is always a piece of information, a tip, a technique that I can immediately apply to my sites and notice a positive effect.

I can’t help mentioning that even when I enjoy doing the work sometimes in solitude, it is always nice to know that there are people out there who are doing something similar to what I do and with whom I can exchange impressions, ask questions, answer them or just comment something sweet to help release tension.

What I Do Not Like About Wealthy Affiliate

Maybe it sounds kind of biased but it would be difficult to mention something that I do not like about WA because there are so many useful things that keep my enthusiasm and attention focused on this platform.

However, there are some features of Wealthy Affiliate that I think could improve to make it a much more active site than it already is.

There are 4 aspects I could say I do not like about WA:

1. Hosting subject to subscription

The hosting of sites (up to 50 for Premium subscribers) included in the Wealthy Affiliate subscription is a good thing when you think only about growing and consolidating a business, but what happens when you reach the expected growth or consolidation of that business?

In the first instance, I can tell you that there is always something new to stay within Wealthy Affiliate and that if you get a consolidated business, the annual subscription fee should not be a problem at all, but what if for some reason do not want to stay as a Wealthy Affiliate Premium Member?

Well simply can not take your website and say goodbye, instead you either continue to pay your subscription with the right for hosting included or dismantle your site and take it with your domain elsewhere. With a small site this could be simple, but with a large one, it can be a big headache.

2. The ranking

At first, the climbing positions within Wealthy Affiliate as a reflection of the activity at the site is exhilarating. Writing on the blog, creating tutorials, answering questions, welcoming newbies are comforting tasks as they make us belong to a group with similar characteristics and be useful to others as well. However many of these activities do not directly contribute to our business development or to our income and yet for many members consciously or unconsciously it becomes easier to write for the community than for their own blog.

In addition to this, the race to reach the top 25 places of performance within Wealthy Affiliate and to obtain the Ambassador’s badge is a great achievement but it can also be a great ego pressure, leaving aside the real reason for which we subscribe to the platform.

There are many people who have reached the top of the rankings and have not made a single dollar with their business, while there are others who do not appear on the radar of the community and have profitable businesses.

I believe that the ranking system has a good purpose and can be used for the benefit of all, but perhaps not all use it now in the most balanced way possible.

3. The chat

Interaction with other members is as crucial in Wealthy Affiliate as any other organization is. Through the chat, it is possible to solve doubts, obtain comments in  our sites that have a real effect on SEO, to know tutorials of specific interest, etc.

However, sometimes these interactions can become superfluous. I do not mean that people publish notes of gossip or entertainment because the system wouldn’t allow it, but it could be a lot of friendly answers without a real substance.

It is not bad to socialize in the chat, but there are specific platforms for it, Wealthy Affiliate should not be used this way.

4. No app

One final point perhaps controversial is the fact that Wealthy Affiliate being a platform so consolidated, so vast, with so many members and therefore so used, does not have an app, in a world where mobiles are everywhere, and apps are the fastest and most practical way to enter a web portal.

I do not know the reason for this. If it is that Kyle and Carson oppose to create one or if so far it has not really been necessary for the operation of the site or if just such idea has never come up to them – something that I doubt very much.

It is possible that it is an ongoing project, who can say it? We have to wait for it


What are you looking for?

In the online business world, there is a multitude of shiny programs that draw attention to the results they offer. Many of them are just fraud to deceive the unsuspecting, although some others have serious and useful information to help people … although they do not resist the passage of time and ultimately remain as good proposals that are not yet consolidated and need improvement.

Have you ever read any of these sentences about internet marketing?

“Mind blowing ways to increase your sales.”
“(X amount of money) per month working online, guaranteed.”
“Your check is still waiting”
“Quick cash injection for you”
“This magic button make (X thousands dollars) per month”
“Instantly make (X thousands dollars) a month on autopilot"

… and so on!

I’m pretty sure you have, if you’re like me, someone who tried for a long time to get factual information on how to do well in internet marketing.

Some of these deals by themselves create skepticism and doubt about its veracity while others were fascinating and valuable products, many of which I bought (and I can say now that I’ve spent a small fortune on them). Surely you know what I mean about methods such as:

“The best way to ___________________________________:

(write a book)
(build your website)
(learn Article Marketing)
(learn E-mail Marketing)
(drive traffic to your site)
(create a list)
(learn Search Engine Optimization)
(search for keywords and niches)

… just fill in the blank!

However, in all those cases the final result is that you buy a product NOT a complete system, so you always need something to follow the process that leads to what you want to generate: an online business.

When I was stuck at some point, I always thought what I’d ask to someone who had done what I was doing and having had the same problems I had, how she/he had resolved them?

I remember how frustrating it was to move on a little only to discover that I had to spend more money on another method to supplement the missing part of the previous one. At that time I wanted a sort of training center, a kind of school when I could share with other students like me the same doubts and problems. I wanted get from teachers, libraries, workshops, laboratories the possibility to test my advancement systematically, to not have to be jumping back and forth throughout the internet, spending time and money putting together link by link in an endless chain of knowledge to accomplish my goals.

If you need to learn anything (medicine, gardening, cooking, playing an instrument, building a house, driving a car, quantum physics, making money, etc.,) you know that you need at least the following:

Expertise coming from everywhere directly from someone who has done what you want to do
Teaching resources to help you in your learning
Real-practice experience as you learn

This and much more is exactly what finally found in Wealthy Affiliate back in 2010 and have been Premium Member since that time because it has EVERYTHING that I ever need and is always an evolving environment resilient enough to change every time that the internet world make a move small or huge!

Key points about Wealthy Affiliate


Wealthy Affiliate is the online equivalent to a University oriented to the practical teaching of online business. It is not just a product, a technique or a course. It is a whole system, a complete development platform for online entrepreneurs.

One of its great values is that it provides the knowledge and tools necessary to start an online business even if you haven’t had previous business experience nor specific academic training, or even computer skills.

In the 21st century anyone with access to a computer connected to internet and basic skills to navigate and use a word processor can build an online business from scratch because the logic and dynamics are different from a traditional offline business in the sense of visibility, traffic and methods of making a message known, although the effort and learning curve tend to be similar.

Wealthy Affiliate takes advantage of the best of both worlds and its founders and owners Kyle and Carson with almost 20 years of online business experience have channeled all these assets into a place that is very friendly and useful to both the novice and the expert.

The extensive information accumulated in Wealthy Affiliate offered in a systematic and gradually complex way allows you to learn in a natural way without being overtaken by unnecessary knowledge for each level of development.

At the same time interaction with hundreds of other members of the community allows generating new daily information for different requirements when dealing with the creation, development and consolidation of a website, content generation, search engine optimization, increase in traffic, online security, etc.

It is desirable to have a niche of interest to develop an online business with the resources available in Wealthy Affiliate. However, without such a niche, Wealthy Affiliate offers a generous affiliate program that has no peer, not even on other platforms as consolidated and prestigious as for instance: Clickbank.

To develop such a program, Wealthy Affiliate not only offers the personalized tracking links and banners, which is the usual way in affiliate programs in general, but offers a whole program of support in 7 levels of 10 lessons each to learn how to promote the site, from the basics to scale it to the most sophisticated methods of internet marketing with very attractive profits for a program of its kind.

In short, Wealthy Affiliate is a completely established and consolidated platform since more than 15 years, that is placed at the head of other very bright programs of which we will also talk here in coming reviews.

The price of the annual subscription, besides of being completely competitive, at the end of the day is symbolic when considering the added value of the multiple resources that the platform offers and that individually would exceed the amount they have by being part of this platform.

Best of all, by adhering to the Wealthy Affiliate development program as Premium Member and starting to generate income, in the short or medium term these profit are going to be sufficient to pay the initial investment expense and on the other hand the knowledge and experience acquired can now be multiplied so much to expand the niche we started to explore or even explore other niches.

Carefully review the following comparative table to know the summary of the benefits of both plans:

10 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review

  1. Dalton says:

    The grandmaster of all reviews! Thanks so much for sharing. This is super informative and I hope you’re crushing it with your learning and new knowledge from WA.

  2. Merlin says:

    Hey, Tommy!

    I recently stumbled upon your site, when I was searching for an honest way to make money online. This is the most promising opportunity I’ve found. It sounds to be totally legit! I like that also pointed out the cons (they have no app, etc.). Your competitors often seem to forget about being honest when writing their reviews 😀 I always have the feeling they just want to sell no matter what the visitors think. But, shouldn’t be the focus on helping and giving valuable information to others instead of just trying to convert them to customers? Monkey businesses all around … However, this one seems to be extraordinary and “different”. I’ll have a look at it, definitely.

    Thank you!

    • Tommy Potter says:

      Thank you very much Merlin. Yes that’s the whole idea, to find people who are just trying to make money plain and simple without tricks or scams. I never found something like that anywhere for long 10 years until I found WA. Now, I know that out there could be a lot of good options, so it isn’t just about WA however to me a many to other people WA gather together a bunch of great individual resources in just one platform.

  3. mark says:

    I really liked your review about Wealthy Affiliate, I hope that they are real as you described them to be and really hope they can help me succeed online, I’ve been looking everywhere for a decent place to start! Internet is full of scammers and cheaters nowadays, and they are only trying to steal your money.

    Your review really gives me hope that there is REAL opportunity to succeed online. Even the price seems fair. I will definitely check out this program, but at the very least try the Free membership, that is just awesome!


    • Tommy Potter says:

      Mark, thanks a lot for your comments. You can be sure that the vast majority of people working on internet has been scammed at some point, and worst we have lost variable amounts of money in the meanwhile, however I’ve been at WA for 6 years now and that’s because I have seen real results in my bank account. Now that is not going to happen overnight, however it will happen with the right information and tools no doubt. So I hope you really get what you are looking for and when such thing happen you join us inside of WA community as a Premium Member 🙂

  4. Anis Chity says:

    This is one of the best and most thorough Wealthy Affiliate reviews I read, I agree with you since there is a chat why there isn’t an app where I can communicate with others on the go?

    But an app isn’t that important, the training is out of this world simple and so efficient I loved it.

    Thanks for sharing this unbiased review keep up the great work!

    • Tommy Potter says:

      I completely agree with you Anis Chity, the important thing is the wonderful content, but the app would help don’t you think? 🙂
      Thanks for your kind comments

  5. Henry says:

    Hey Tommy! Love your site! I really appreciate your suggestions! But this one has been the best of them all! It’s great to count with a platform like this.

    I enjoyed the fact that even though there are many tool and positive features inside this platform, you presented both sides (pros and cons) in an amazing balance. 

    I’m in, but I’ll be careful not to fall into the ego pressure of the race to reach the top 25 places! Thank you very much!

  6. Jordan says:

    Wow, this is one of the best and most thorough reviews of Wealthy Affiliate that I’ve seen. Well done!

    Wealthy Affiliate is a very rich resource, I definitely agree with your rating of the company. There are a lot of bloggers who have become successful with Wealthy Affiliate, but it also takes a lot of effort to get started, and dedication. Only people with the right motivation and discipline should attempt to start it.

    I am glad you discovered Wealthy Affiliate, and that you’ve found it so helpful! 

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