About Tommy

Welcome to this site that has been created thinking about you who are exploring the possibility of starting a partial or full-time professional or commercial activity on your own using the advantages offered by the internet.

Like you, at some point some years ago I found that the internet was a possibility to generate income in a consistent and meaningful way using the knowledge and resources I had at that time.

I was suddenly faced with an opportunity that offered enormous potential due to the extension and pace at which the global network grows.

But perhaps like you, I also exposed myself to a lot of erroneous or incomplete information, to non-ethical merchants that offered scam programs that made me lose a lot of money in useless shiny objects.

And also like you, I started with some misconceptions in my mind that business on the internet is easily and quickly built and generates almost instantaneous fortunes.

Fortunately, with time and effort, I have been finding the right knowledge and tools that have allowed me to build businesses like this site, which is not only capable of generating significant income but also has been created with solid foundations that enable it to sustain itself and grow in time.

Like you, at first, I thought that this was very difficult to achieve. That it would require a lot of technical knowledge and good luck.

However, if you accept my invitation on this tour, you will be able to realize for yourself that the construction of your business, is possible through small and progressive steps but sufficiently robust and concatenated to erect a great and successful process at the end of the road. No matter what the commercial or professional field to which you want to focus it.

Will you come with me?

First, let me tell you briefly who I am

I am a man of almost 50 years, married for 20 years and father of two daughters. I’m an MD, and I got a Ph.D. in biochemical sciences. I am currently a researcher in the field of neuroendocrinology.

But do not think that having these academic degrees allowed me to achieve financial freedom or the full availability of my time.

I like my profession, and it allowed me to live acceptably for several years, however as time passed the type of life that I had was very different from the one I had dreamed of when I was young.

The money is always just enough to pay the schools, the bills, the current expenses of the home and yes, once or twice a year a vacation trip. In compensation, you have to work 60 to 70 hours a week for 50 weeks a year.

My wife is a professor of the specialty in Family Medicine, and her work is not much lighter than mine. When we leave the laboratory or the hospital and arrive home, it is usual to stay connected to the computer for several more hours until midnight or early morning.

Now, working in excess is not necessarily a complaint when you love what you do, and it becomes a passion as it is for both our professional activities.

The problem begins when little by little you realize that you are working excessively and that a large part of that work is not reflected in higher income but in a deterioration of the quality of life.

You will agree with me that the work should be a part of the integral development of the human being. An essential part, but only a part.

At some point in my life, I realized that the pace of work had become something akin to slavery and that the results were not consistent with the amount of time invested.

My approach to online business

I could not say precisely when it was the moment, I knew that online marketing was a possibility, but it was around the year 2000 when our oldest daughter was newborn, my wife was a resident of family medicine, and I was a Ph.D. student.

I visited many sites, read a lot of information and spent a lot of money on programs that never helped me earn a single dollar.

But for some reason and despite the disappointments I was sure that online business was real and possible. Google was not yet what it is today, and however the lists of pages that offered some type of product or service were already growing exponentially, and not all were large companies. Many were amateur blogs as I pretended to be.

This conviction kept me searching enough to find eventually a program called One Week Marketing created by a woman who called herself PotPieGirl which was written in a very casual but at the same time very systematic and unpretentious way that immediately caught my attention.

Following this program of Jeniffer Ledbetter (aka PotPieGirl), step by step produced three results that changed my life.

1. It made me win the first dollar online ever

2. It made me realize that the replication of a serious, carefully detailed system created predictable results in this business.

3. Put me in contact with a platform that has turned out to be a University to which I have adhered during the past 9 years because it has been a constant source of updated knowledge, useful tools and a highly collaborative and informed community willing to help you 24/7: Wealthy Affiliate.

My evolution through years

The time that I followed several of the programs created by PotPieGirl was a growth curve during which I learned many things and kept making money, so I will always be eternally grateful to her.

However, I also realized that by following a single person, or a single system eventually many of the teachings or tools become obsolete and then we have to wait and then jump to the next update.

That changed to following the training program at Wealthy Affiliate and becoming an active member of the platform.

The process is practically the same as the one that is lived in a university. You acquire the necessary knowledge, the core that allows you to have the essential skills to develop your business but then you associate with hundreds and thousands of people who act as a kind of macro brain where you can always get a useful answer. Something similar to what happens with Google or with Wikipedia.

Someone has already answered the question you have, and it is only a matter of asking it in a search box with the additional advantage that the updates are in real time!

You do not have to wait until the next update in a few days, weeks or months because someone in the community has first heard about a change and communicates it so that it is available and everyone can benefit from it.

The difference with a real university is that in this you start to have real products from the first day and that you do not need knowledge, experience, or previous qualifications to be a successful student.

Why would I like to help you?

The information, communication or professional and commercial activities in the virtual world usually generates reactions that are much more intense than the same actions in the real world.

Huge expectations, great satisfaction but also big frustrations. In any case much anxiety at the beginning.

Most of us who have made this world our work environment have passed at some point throught by this roller coaster.

But this does not have to be like this. You already know the saying “Knowledge is power.”

If you educate yourself properly, it does not matter that you do not have any experience or that you have already explored some form of cybernetic entrepreneurship, you will know what to expect and how to act at any time.

You will be aware that to succeed on the internet you need to work just as hard as in the real world, be persistent and disciplined but unlike in a 9 to 5 job, your business growth is not linear but progressively multiplies the results based on a consistent effort.

I would like to be able to accompany you on this path of knowledge, discovery, growth, and achievement of your goals with your online business.

What is the purpose of this site?

Based on the above, it follows that the purpose of the Affiliate Marketing Commissions is:

1. Provide an approach to the online business world with enough information that allows anyone with a minimum curiosity to resolve their doubts to start an earnest venture in any niche of personal, professional or commercial interest profitable and long-term

2. Discuss with sufficient clarity familiar concepts related to online business that can be confusing and that it is necessary to understand to advance in the construction of an online business.

3. Present the advantages offered by a platform such as Wealthy Affiliate in terms of training, association, updating, communication, use of tools, etc., to create, develop and consolidate your own website.

If I can be of any help, don’t hesitate to let me know. If you decide Wealthy Affiliate, it is the right place for you then I’ll be more than happy to talk to you. Please visit my hangout there.




email. tommypotter@affiliatemarketingcommissions.com

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