How to learn digital marketing regardless of your academic background, occupation or age

There was a time when talking about digital marketing, or online business seemed a suspicious activity of people who wanted to get rich soon without working or in the best of cases an extravagance of geeks or nerds. Those times are gone.

Today these topics are part of the culture of the world and of course of professional and commercial activities of all kinds, so the question is not “if” it is necessary but “how” to learn digital marketing.

It does not matter what type of activity you are involved in, be it academic, commercial, religious, sports, financial, volunteering, etc., one of the channels to research in your field of interest as well to share information, to buy or sell something, get known, interact with other people not just locally but abroad, is through internet.

So it is needed that you learn how to manage the fundamentals of this technology to stay up to date with the rest of people because the thing is that even if you are reluctant to it, the people around you are pushing into anyway.

“I would like to but I do not have enough education”

Maybe one of the greatest fears of people regarding the informatic world is about coding or programming. Yes, this is a complex area for many of us to understand. However, the average user of electronic devices and software rarely comprehend more of this technology beyond what there is under his/her fingertips of right in front of her/him on the screen.

Informatics, in general, has created an extensive interface between you and that complicated code to show only the friendliest face in a way that almost the only thing you need to know about is turning on your computer, reading, writing and making click over some links.

That’s all you need to know. Information about business and marketing of any kind can be summed up into texts, images, videos and audios which can lead you through several types of courses, tutorials and other training materials to make some simple tasks step by step to advance gradually at your pace into even more sophisticated levels without any previous technical or academic background.

“Why would I study something different from my career?”

For a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer or a theologist the term “digital marketing” might sound like something too geek for the real world or maybe as something related to sales, get-rich-quick schemes or people who are not working in real jobs. However today the word “digital” makes reference to how the full knowledge in the world is being converted into its virtual version in “the cloud” and the word “marketing” is becoming a metaphor of how everyone relates to others even if they are miles away.

Today lots of educators, social activists, students, housewives, politicians or even religious leaders use digital marketing as a tool to communicate with others not because they are selling shoes, e-books or electronic devices but because they are offering their ideas to the market of the general thinking. Not all of them are earning money with their endeavours, although it certainly is one of the goals of many of us to do. Once you learn how to do it, what you do is up to you.

“I’m too busy to try something else”

“Too busy” means that you can not do more than you are doing right now and that may be because you have too much work or because you are doing things slower than you should do. In any case, even if you are getting enough money, what is evident is that you are not getting more time.

What if you could have the option to do more at the same time that you spend now? Or if you can do the same work in less time? Could digital marketing help you? Maybe.

Obviously, nobody can do brain surgery, or fly a plane or cook a plate as you in case you are a neurosurgeon or a plane pilot or chef respectively, but how much of your daily activity could change if you had an extra income or more free time?

“I’m too young to get distracted on that”

Many of us have grown up within a model of education and work where one is enrolled since the very first years in a school system and then in a streamlined way of living earning a salary and working in a 9 to 5 schedule till elderly. Sounds it familiar to you?

But, both the education system and the work system are changing from the rigid model of four walls to one where development can occur through virtual channels. That means that you don’t have to stick to past models to get the results you want. New jobs are emerging very often, which demand both digital and marketing abilities to create, teach, sell, communicate, innovate, etc. Training to get those abilities is not getting distracted but adding value to your current curriculum.

“I’m too old to waste my time on it”

Are you where you wanted to be all your life? If the answer is no, what are you doing, then? Still working to survive? Or living the life you can afford at this time? And would not it be fair to try once and for all for something that would give you different results?

It is not about making a new career, or risky investments or some other nonsense. It is about spending a daily time learning skills that will give you new opportunities in today’s world by building an online business based on digital marketing which can provide you with some complementary income if not a full-time income once you devote it enough time.

All we need is training

In simple terms, Digital Marketing could be defined as the relationship between an individual or corporative entity to exchange products and services with a customer individual or corporative as well, through digital or informatic channels.

In this case, as an individual, you can offer other people the products or services that fits most with your interests, knowledge, expertise, background, career, projects, etc.

Although you can offer those products or services through the web in many ways, the best recommended is by building a website of your own which become your leading platform or operational center to communicate with the world and if you decide to go further, in the foundation of a business.

Next, what you need to learn is how to get the attention of people in the message that you sent out there via the internet. You’ll achieve this ability by knowing the way of thinking, problems, and needs of the audience you address when they search the web. This behavior will give you the necessary information to define your content.

Finally, the end goal of Digital Marketing through any of its different methods such as affiliate marketing, email marketing, SEO, e-books, etc., is to get an action from your visitor or customer. This action can be a subscription to your periodic update of content, it could be to answer a survey, leave you a comment and of course buying the products or services that you offer, any or all of them.

If you are interested in deepening in each of the phases of this process, Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that offers you free of charge the first level of a course to start learning. This starter level includes the creation and hosting of your website as well as many other learning tools about Digital Marketing. Read the extensive review we have prepared about Wealthy Affiliate and what it can offer you.

3 thoughts on “How to learn digital marketing regardless of your academic background, occupation or age

  1. Steve says:

    Digital marketing really is something that is great no matter what age or level of experience. If you have an interest in something, chances are you can be a successful digital marketer! That’s, I think, what makes it so attractive. You can write about something you have a passion for. That not only makes it easier, but also more enjoyable. 

    So many of us work jobs that we aren’t passionate about and don’t always enjoy. However, digital marketing is a chance to break out of that trend. 

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write this as it is encouraging, not only to me, but should be to anyone looking to turn a passion into a business!

  2. Sondra M says:

    Thank you for sharing these tips about how to learn digital marketing regardless of our age, occupation or academic background.   In the last couple of years, I have come to realize what you said.  The question is not, “Do we need to use digital marketing. ”   There are very, very few people in the US that do not use the internet and/or social media.   So, the question really is, “How do we learn to use digital marketing even though technology is constantly changing?”

    As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I was thrilled to see you recommend Wealthy Affiliate as a way to learn digital marketing.  Over the last two years, I have learned so much from my membership.  I recommend it to others also.  Especially if they are interested in affiliate marketing.  

  3. King konz says:

    Hey there. I like the way you’ve setup your website using pics, headings and going into details about the subjects. You also made some very good points about the world today and how some people might view it with their current situation or their age. I find it common for most people to always make an excuse before trying something different or new, than actually thinking about how can they change the way they do something. Most people don’t want to or are afraid of change, or doing something different because they are comfortable in their current situation. 

    It’s sad to know that some of us try to reach out to help others to show them that they have much more potential, but they don’t seem to want to think outside the box and better themselves. The easy technology is so advance now, but yet most of us don’t take full advantage of it the way we should. This should be a good reminder and hopefully you go far with the mindset that you have. 

    I’ll be working on my website and a few other things, and keeping an open mind. Let’s continue to grow, share and connect,  and hope you be around to see my progress! 😎

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