Click Funnels explained – A real deal or just another scam?

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What is ClickFunnels about?

ClickFunnels Demo Video

It is a system created by Rusell Brunson that consists primarily of building sales funnels. That is, an automated series of screens through which you can attract potential customers, sell digital or physical products or services, or get an audience for an event.

One of the essential premises of the entire product is that (according to them) the websites are complicated to do. They require support from many professionals, such as programmers, designers, marketing experts, etc. For this reason, they are expensive but also static and dull (according to their testimonials) and in short unproductive.

With this in mind, the idea of a sales funnel is to make the marketing process something much more dynamic, efficient, and ultimately that turns into profits. ClickFunnels offers additional features to the well-known sales funnels. A technology that brings together all that is needed in one place to build them in a friendly way through drag and drop editing tools.

As they mention in their portal (albeit in small print), ClickFunnels is a builder of sales funnels and websites (although they despise them). But it is not a business opportunity. This clarification is relevant because it is only a tool whose use can prove fruitless if you don’t have notions of how to build an online business.


Below is a brief but clear explanation by Rusell Brunson of what a sales funnel is:

How does ClickFunnels works?

Rusell Brunson and his team recommend a sequence of steps that must be followed to achieve the ideal construction of a sales funnel based on the purpose of each business. They mention that there are three types of reasons why an entrepreneur creates a funnel:

  • To generate LEADS (potential customers)
  • To generate SALES
  • To Run an EVENT
Threee reasons to create a funnel

From one of these purposes, the next sequence is suggested: 

  1. Choosing Funnel.- Choose the right funnel for your type of business in the first instance. Each kind of funnel would vary in the number, organization, and content of the screens that it contains.
  2. Configuring.- Configure the funnel according to your needs or preferences, that is by adding, deleting, or moving the different modules of the pre-set layout.
  3. Editing.- Take care of details like the logo, headline, subheadline, videos, etc.
  4. Follow-up.- Capturing Leads through an automation tab or through Actionetics which is a smart autoresponder for email follow-up of your leads or clients
  5. Products.- In case anyone wants to sell something, there are the options to choose between digital products or physical products integrated with ShipStation for delivery
  6. Split-test.- There is also the option to run A/B split test to increase the conversion of your visitors into leads or sales by testing several items within funnel-like headlines, videos, buttons, images, etc.
  7. Publish.- Make your Funnels LIVE!
  8. Stats.- Track your stats in your ClickFunnels dashboard.

Etison Editor

The funnel creation process is carried out in its Etison Editor, which is a program based on the simplicity of “drag and drop.”

  1. Choose template.- You start by choosing a template to work on. To build your website or funnel depending on what your needs are. It can be an opt-in page, sales page, order form pages, upsell pages, webinar event pages, membership sites, etc.
  2. Customize the page.- You can build or adapt the structure of each template according to the characteristics of your brand by using four primary modules: sections, rows, columns, and elements.
  3. Elements on the page.- Once the structure is chosen, up to 50 different elements can be added as headlines, paragraphs, placeholders for images or videos, etc.
  4. Advanced customization.- It is also possible to make customized changes in the HTML (CSS) code, in the padding adjustment or the color.
  5. Personalization for the mobile.- It is possible to make adjustments in the size of the fonts, sections, rows, or columns in such a way that the changes are only reflected on the mobile screen.

In addition to the basic funnel creation program, ClickFunnels offers two additional resources within its membership: Backpack and Actionetics MD.


This resource allows you to create an affiliate program for the products or services you offer within your sales funnel in four simple steps:

1. Commissions.- Dedicate the amount you wish to pay to each affiliate for sale.

2. Add your affiliate program.- Create two pages that will insert the affiliate program to the others in your sales funnel.

3. Create an affiliate area.- This is an area where you can add banner ads, email samples and swipes to help affiliates promote the product

4. Affiliate Dashboard.- Finally, check the movements in affiliate sales and make the corresponding payments

Actionetics MD

Actionetics MD is another ClickFunnels proprietary program which serves as they call it as a Multidimensional Follow-Up Funnel. Once the subscribers’ email is obtained to an opt-in page, registration page or order form, the email addresses are added to a Smart List that detects the behavior of a subscriber within the funnel. Then I could send you emails for retargeting, to finalize the purchase process or to promote another product or service. But Actionetics MD is also able to connect with other subscriber services. In such a way that it can also send messages via Facebook, YouTube, SMS, etc., depending on the application that the prospectus is currently using.

Know More About ClickFunnels

What do you need to start?

ClickFunnels offers a free trial for 14 days, although to request such proof it is necessary to fill out a form with your personal and billing information, ie, credit card. After the trial period the cost of membership that includes what they call the Etison Suite: ClickFunnels (Etison Editor) + Backpack + Actionetics MD for $ 297 per month.

What is the evidence that ClickFunnels works?

ClickFunnels offers a series of testimonials from people with different types of businesses that talk about their experience using the system. From blogging to coaching / consulting through info products, e-commerce, Non-profit, B2B, etc. They are some of the businesses whose owners honestly tell us what their personal, financial, and business experiences have been before and after of using ClickFunnels. The stories are exciting and speak very well in favor of the product.

It must be said, however, that a feature in common with most of the people who offer their testimony is that they already had an idea, a product and even a website. What they needed was to specify the process to monetize their business correctly.

In that aspect, as a tool that helps solve the sales process, ClickFunnels seems like a valuable product.

Is it Worth the Cost / Benefit Ratio?

It is challenging to specify. There is no data available with which a calculation of the time in which each person begins to see results and their gain can be made.

In principle, $ 297 per month seems a prohibitive cost, especially compared to other systems much more robust and established for online business creation.

They claim that before ClickFunnel, you had to pay to make a page, have an autoresponder, business account, etc., and that they have put all that together into a product. The Etison Editor is valued at $ 2997 a year, however, building a page can come out free in WordPress and also have “drag and drop” applications. Hosting in Godaddy costs approximately $ 1 per month, and the Aweber autoresponder is priced at roughly $ 19 per month.

Obviously, for some businesses such as those presented in the tutorials that earn $ 20,000 in a single day, the cost of ClickFunnels can be ridiculously cheap. But for someone starting this price can be hard to afford.

What I Do like About ClickFunnels

  • I like the way it helps decide which is the best type of funnel for each business
  • I like the friendly Etison Editor and its different configuration and customization options. They allow a wide range of possibilities to be creative and adapt each funnel to the brand of each business
  • I like the Backpack system to develop our affiliate program effortlessly. I think it is something that few products offer in the industry. It is, in my opinion, one of its best assets.
  • Actionetics MD seems in principle, somewhat intrusive to the privacy of prospects or customers. However, it has the option of being intelligently configured according to the type of audience of each business, which can result in a highly productive relationship without causing discomfort.

What I Do Not Like About ClickFunnels

  • I don’t like that they pose the false dilemma of choosing between a website and a sales funnel. For someone with experience in online business, it is well known that a website is the core of your company. As it is where you establish the reputation that earns you trust from an audience and gives you authority before them. A sales funnel, however fantastic it may be, is just a marketing tool like there are many others. Any tool skillfully managed can be as useful or better than a funnel. For someone starting in this industry, such a dilemma can be confusing and misleading.
  • I do not like the price. I find it too expensive, at least for most entrepreneurs who are starting or for those whose growth is in progress. It is also costly when compared to other more complete training systems in the creation of online businesses.
Website vs Sales Funnel False Dilemma


1. ClickFunnels is a potent marketing tool based on the creation of sales funnels.
2. It offers a wide variety of options for each type of business.
3. It has precious additional resources such as Backpack for the creation of an affiliate program and Actionetics MD for multidimensional tracking.
4. It is wrong to consider it an alternative for creating a website, especially for those who start an online business. It is one more marketing tool and does NOT replace FOR ANY REASON a formal training in online business creation.
5. Partly because of the previous point, it can be costly as a resource of the first choice. It must be considered as a growing resource for businesses that at least already have a profitable product or service. It is for people who want to boost their sales, not to start a business from scratch.
6. In conclusion, we consider ClickFunnels as a real business, not a scam.

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform and system that offers comprehensive training for the creation and growth of your online business not only focused on sales funnels but in all aspects related to digital marketing through a systematic and comprehensive practical courses. Learn more here.

6 thoughts on “Click Funnels explained – A real deal or just another scam?

  1. Dane says:

    Hello there, thanks for taking your time to put up this amazing post about Clickfunnel. Severally I have heard quite alot about how effective it is buy really want to confirm on my own. I have only recently answered opened my own blog and I haven’t had enough traffic as I want as I’m into affiliate marketing, I have tried soke other platform which haven’t been really effective . I’ll love to give Clickfunnel a try

    • Tommy Potter says:

      Hi Dane, to me, ClickFunnels has a lot of options to help your website grow and should be on the agenda of people who take its business seriously. My awarning to you would be that any system would replace the authority that a website will acquire with time. Any sales funnel, will create a bubble of visitors and eventually income that only will self-support when the site has enough visitors coming organically. Otherwise, you can get a lot of visitors and conversions every time you pay for it, but this is not exactly a passive income.

  2. Shelley says:

    Click funnels is needed for my  business to thrive more because I need to create sales funnel more. I got registers with a small site and I am tired of so many glitches with them. So, I decided to go for a much more better option.  Hence, seeing exactly what click funnels offers and the so many features they provided which the other website lacked, I think I am much more convenient switching over to click funnels. Thanks so much for giving these much info on click funnels.

    • Tommy Potter says:

      Hi Shelly, it is excellent that you have found it out what ClickFunnels can do for your business. I think it is an excellent option for having as a tool to get visitors and conversions in your online business, although, as I said in the post, I don’t think it is for everybody, at least not at the beginning. Good luck and go for it!

  3. Jefreym85 says:

    Hi Tommy, 

    Excellent information on clickfunnels, I agree with a lot of the points you made in your article. I think it is a great way to generate leads, sales and overall conversions. Clickfunnels definitely should not replace your business website, it can compliment your site and help generate more revenue. I also feel the monthly price for clickfunnels is a bit pricey, especially for newbies looking to get started. Since their are more options which can provide similar functions for a fraction of the cost, I would recommend getting some experience before investing money. Thanks again for the article, great read!

    Best regards, 

    Jefrey Mihedji

    • Tommy Potter says:

      Jefrey, what you say is correct. Clickfunnels, like other great systems out there is an excellent complement to an online business, but especially when that business has consolidated. When you start with an online business, you generally have little or no experience, and investing any budget even if you have enough resources can be very risky and demotivate the beginner before he or she sees results.

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